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About Giveaway Scoop

Discover The Web’s Treasure Chest Of Giveaways

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In the past, we’ve worked on developing better hyper-local search and curating the best products for our readers. What we discovered was that giveaways were one of the most effective forms of marketing and actually generated more buzz and actual engagement from consumers than just about anything else.

We also discovered a very dedicated community of giveaway seekers. But, there wasn’t a central resource for finding these awesome giveaways, nor did the process reflect the “FUN” of what entering giveaways is all about – taking a few seconds to enter with a chance that you’ll win something cool!

So our brains did a mind meld and we thought: why not make web giveaways super easy and fun to find? We set out to do just that and let our users be the paint brush of the site.

Thus, Giveaway Scoop was born with the intent to make finding giveaways super simple and very visual. It’s all about the user experience here. Even though we’re the site creators, it’s still fun for us to scroll through the site and see all the awesome giveaways going on.

While the concept for Giveaway Scoop is an elegant simple user experience, it took some serious UI/UX and development expertise to launch it into prime time.

We’d love to hear your thoughts so be sure to get in contact with us and let us know what you think of the site and how we can further improve it in the future.